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Logo 500x500 Online Lorena Gil (1)

Digital Experiences

Explore what digital content can do for your business. Each advertising campaign, content or marketing action is made to attract your audience. We create online experiences for users through persuasive text, video or sound. Found out more about my professional experience in various projects.

Global Audiences

Audiences with different languages, lifestyles, ways of thinking and interacting on a digital level.

Make the right decisions for your company by collaborating with freelancers with international experience.


Your brand’s audience uses multiple digital platforms. Define which one is the most appropriate and according to your company’s budget.

Make a courtesy consultation by email.

Professional Services

These are some Executed Projects I have done along the way so as a Freelancer

Professional Experience

For more than 10 years I have developed and executed several professional projects.

With an entrepreneurial spirit, unstoppable curiosity and learning, and practical common sense, I have worked both for multinational companies and for my own businesses.

That same adventurous spirit has led me to experience 4 different countries: Colombia, the United Kingdom, Spain, and Germany. Where I have not only acquired several languages, but also the inside of their culture.

Visit the section about my professional experience for more detailed information.

Interested in collaborating? Please feel free to reach out filling the below information:

Logo 500x500 Online Lorena Gil (1)